About Glistening Dawn
This blog began while writing a small book, The Importance of Hope (publishing pending), which is a testimony of overcoming loss and disappointment. It is the author’s wish that this blog will help lead others to find hope, peace, and purpose and their divine destiny as the Lord intended, when He first dreamed about you, before time began.
The name for this blog, aside from also being my name Dawn, is intended to represent different symbolism of the term dawn. Dawn represents: new beginnings, hope, and revelation. Glistening was chosen to elicit the imagery of abundant light. Therefore, the theme of this blog is to shine light on the truth of who Jesus is for us, and His abundant love for all.
Any area of your life that is not glistening with hope, is under the influence of a lie.
Francis Frangipane
The quote above has reminded me many times to look at where I am lacking hope and to seek the truth about my situation. Though it may be true we are living a certain reality or situation, there is a higher truth. That truth is Jesus and when Jesus steps in, everything changes.
Image by RÜŞTÜ BOZKUŞ from Pixabay